CFitting/CcurveUpdate [ Modules ]


  CcurveUpdate --- update curves


Functions to re-estimate and update curves in the course of estimation.


  EvalCurveAtOnePoint --- evaluate a CCurve at a single point
  EvalParamAtOnePoint --- evaluate parametric component at a single point
  EvalParametric --- evaluate the parametric component of a curve with new parameters
  EvalSpline --- evaluate spline component
  EvalSplineAtOnePoint --- evaluate spline at a given value of x
  FrailtySplineVar --- compute frailty variance of a spline component
  MakeSplineBasis --- make a the spline basis from scratch
  PopulateLocalCurve --- populate a CCurve structure from an RCurve
  PopulateLocalHistory --- populate a local CHistory curve
  PopulateLocalRegression --- populate a local RRegression structure
  RemakeSplineBasis --- update spline basis after a birth-death-move operation
  ReweightCurve --- weight a curve's parametric and spline components
  UpdateCurveX --- change an X value of a CCurve structure
  UpdateParamPar --- update parametric component with new parameters
  UpdateSplineBasis --- recompute basis if one of the X values changes
  UpdateSplinePar --- update the spline parameters