CcurveUpdate/PopulateLocalCurve [ Functions ]
PopulateLocalCurve --- populate a CCurve structure from an RCurve
At initialization of the SplineSurvMainLoop, this routine populates a local curve that is easier to work with in C. Much of this just consists of creating a set of pointers that point to the appropriate locations in R memory.
697 void PopulateLocalCurve( curveP theCurve, SEXP Rcurve)
theCurve a CCurve to be populated Rcurve the RCurve that contains the current values
701 { 702 // has a parametric component? 703 theCurve->hasPar = asInteger(getListElement(Rcurve,"haspar")); 704 // has a spline component? 705 theCurve->hasSpline = asInteger(getListElement(Rcurve,"hasspline")); 706 // does it use adaptive knot selection? 707 theCurve->SplineAdaptive = asInteger(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.adaptive")); 708 // length of observations (times/frailties) 709 theCurve->nx = (int) (length(getListElement(Rcurve,"x"))); 710 // minimum spline parameter value 711 theCurve->SplineMin = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.min")); 712 // spline prior varianc3 713 theCurve->SplinePriorvar = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.priorvar")); 714 // spline hyperparameters 715 theCurve->SplineHyper = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.hyper")); 716 // spline tuning parameters 717 theCurve->SplineTun = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.tun")); 718 // spline accept/reject of the last step 719 theCurve->SplineAccept = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.accept")); 720 // parameter prior variance 721 theCurve->ParamPriorvar = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.priorvar")); 722 // parametric tuning parameter 723 theCurve->ParamTun = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.tun")); 724 // parametric hyperparameters 725 theCurve->ParamHyper = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.hyper")); 726 // parametric accept/reject of last step 727 theCurve->ParamAccept = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.accept")); 728 // weight of spline component 729 theCurve->Weight = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"weight")); 730 // prior variance of weight 731 theCurve->WeightPriorvar = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"weight.priorvar")); 732 // hyperparameters of weight 733 theCurve->WeightHyper = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"weight.hyper")); 734 // tuning parameter of weight 735 theCurve->WeightTun = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"weight.tun")); 736 // accept/reject for last step of weight 737 theCurve->WeightAccept = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"weight.accept")); 738 // vector of observations 739 theCurve->X = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"x")); 740 // vector of the curve evaluated at X 741 theCurve->Y = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"y")); 742 // hazard curves also need a vector of cumulative hazard integrals 743 if(theCurve->isHazard) theCurve->Ycum =REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"ycum")); 744 // frailty curve needs to keep track of acceptance of the frailties themselves 745 if(!theCurve->isHazard) theCurve->Accept =REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"accept")); 746 // tuning parameter for the frailties 747 if(!theCurve->isHazard) theCurve->tun = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"tun")); 748 749 // special terms for spline components 750 if(theCurve->hasSpline){ 751 // order of the spline 752 theCurve->SplineOrd=asInteger(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.ord")); 753 // number of knots of the spline 754 theCurve->SplineNknots = asInteger(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.nknots")); 755 // max number of knots 756 theCurve->SplineNknotsMax = asInteger(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.maxoccknots")); 757 // hyperparameters for the number of knots 758 theCurve->SplineNknotsHyper = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.nknots.hyper")); 759 // number of candidate knots 760 theCurve->SplineNCandKnots = asInteger(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.ncandknots")); 761 // vector of candidate knot positions 762 theCurve->SplineCandKnots = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.candknots")); 763 // vector of occupancies of candidate knots 764 theCurve->SplineCandOcc = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.candocc")); 765 // constant used for birth-death-move step 766 theCurve->SplineBDMConst = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.bdmconst")); 767 // number of spline basis functions 768 theCurve->nj = theCurve->SplineNknots + theCurve->SplineOrd; 769 // get the type of prior on the number of knots 770 const char * charNknotsPrior = 771 CHAR(STRING_ELT(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.nknots.prior"),0)); 772 nknotsprior iNknotsPrior; 773 if(strcmp(charNknotsPrior,"poisson")==0) iNknotsPrior=PrPoisson; 774 if(strcmp(charNknotsPrior,"geometric")==0) iNknotsPrior=PrGeometric; 775 if(strcmp(charNknotsPrior,"poissonmix")==0) iNknotsPrior=PrPoissonMix; 776 if(strcmp(charNknotsPrior,"negbin")==0) iNknotsPrior=PrNegBin; 777 if(strcmp(charNknotsPrior,"power")==0) iNknotsPrior=PrPower; 778 theCurve->SplineNknotsPrior = iNknotsPrior; 779 780 // get the type of smoothness penalty 781 const char * charPenaltyType = 782 CHAR(STRING_ELT(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.penalty"),0)); 783 penalty iPenaltyType; 784 if (strcmp(charPenaltyType,"2diff") ==0) { iPenaltyType=pdiff; } 785 else if (strcmp(charPenaltyType,"2deriv") ==0) { iPenaltyType=pderiv; } 786 else if (strcmp(charPenaltyType,"log2deriv") ==0) { iPenaltyType=plogderiv;} 787 else { iPenaltyType=pnone;} 788 theCurve->SplinePenaltyType = iPenaltyType; 789 if(iPenaltyType != pnone) // if there is a penalty matrix, get it 790 theCurve->SplinePenaltyMatrix = 791 REAL(getListElement(Rcurve, "spline.penaltymatrix")); 792 // scaling factor for penalty 793 theCurve->SplinePenaltyFactor = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.penaltyfactor")); 794 // vector of spline knots 795 theCurve->SplineKnots = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.knots")); 796 // spline basis matrix 797 theCurve->SplineBasis = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.basis")); 798 // vector of integrals of each basis function 799 theCurve->SplineBasisInt = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.basisint")); 800 // spline parameters 801 theCurve->SplinePar = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.par")); 802 // exponentials of spline parameters 803 theCurve->SplineEPar = (double *) malloc( 804 (theCurve->SplineNknotsMax + theCurve->SplineOrd) * sizeof(double)); 805 for(int j=0; j< theCurve->nj; j++) 806 theCurve->SplineEPar[j] = exp(theCurve->SplinePar[j]); 807 // covariance matrix for candidate generation 808 theCurve->SplineCandCov = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.candcov")); 809 // cholesky factorization of the covariance matrix 810 theCurve->SplineCholCov = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.cholcandcov")); 811 // standard deviations for candidate generation 812 theCurve->SplineCandSD = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.candsd")); 813 // spline component evaluated at X 814 theCurve->SplineY = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.y")); 815 if(theCurve->isHazard){ 816 // hazards additionally need cumulative basis functions and cumulative 817 // spline component integrals 818 theCurve->SplineBasisCum = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.basiscum")); 819 theCurve->SplineYcum = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.ycum")); 820 } 821 if(!theCurve->isHazard){ 822 // frailties need integrals of each basis function 823 theCurve->SplineBasisInt = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.basisint")); 824 // 1-expected value of each basis function 825 theCurve->SplineBasisExp = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.basisexp")); 826 // sum of exponentials of spline parameters 827 theCurve->SplineEParSum = 0; 828 for(int j=0; j< theCurve->nj; j++) 829 theCurve->SplineEParSum += theCurve->SplineEPar[j]; 830 // variance of spline component of frailty 831 theCurve->SplineFvar = FrailtySplineVar(theCurve); 832 // penalty on the distance of the mean from 1 833 theCurve->SplineMeanPenalty = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"spline.meanpenalty")); 834 // which of the spline parameters is held fixed 835 theCurve->SplineFixedInd = 836 asInteger(getListElement(Rcurve, "spline.fixedind")) - 1; 837 } 838 } 839 840 // parametric component only 841 if(theCurve->hasPar){ 842 // parametric component parameters 843 theCurve->ParamPar = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.par")); 844 // parametric component evaluated at X 845 theCurve->ParamY = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.y")); 846 // cumulative integral for hazard 847 if(theCurve->isHazard) 848 theCurve->ParamYcum = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.ycum")); 849 // get parametric distribution 850 const char * charParamDist = CHAR(STRING_ELT(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.dist"),0)); 851 distribution iParamDist; 852 if(strcmp(charParamDist,"exponential") == 0) { iParamDist = Dexponential; } 853 else if(strcmp(charParamDist,"weibull") == 0) { iParamDist = Dweibull; } 854 else if(strcmp(charParamDist,"gamma") == 0) { iParamDist = Dgamma; } 855 else if(strcmp(charParamDist,"lognormal") == 0) { iParamDist = Dlognormal; } 856 else { iParamDist = Dnone; } 857 theCurve->ParDist = iParamDist; 858 // number of parametric component parameters 859 theCurve->np = (int) (length(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.par"))); 860 // candidate generation for parametric component parameters 861 theCurve->ParamCandCov = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.candcov")); 862 theCurve->ParamCholCov = REAL(getListElement(Rcurve,"param.cholcandcov")); 863 } 864 }