01structures/CCurve [ Definitions ]


    CCurve --- structure to store a curve


This structure contains all the information about a curve, either the hazard or the frailty. This includes all parameters for spline components, parametric components, weights, and knot positions, as well as spline basis functions, tuning parameters, etc. It is the C analogoue of the RCurve structure.

Note that many of the elements of the structure are pointers. This allows the memory allocated by R to be used directly, rather than having to re-allocate memory within C.

The components are described by commments in the source.


254 typedef struct curve {
255     int hasSpline, //has a spline component
256          hasPar, //has a parametric component
257          isHazard, //whether the curve represents hazard or frailty
258          SplineOrd, // order of the spline
259          SplineAdaptive, // whether the knots should birth/death/move
260          SplineNknots, //spline number of interior knots
261          SplineNknotsMax, // max number of knots
262          SplineNCandKnots, // number of candidate knots
263          nx, //number of observations
264          nj, //number of basis functions (spline)
265          njmax, // max value of nj
266          np, // number of parameters (parametric)
267          SplineFixedInd; // fixed index for frailty spline
268     double SplineFvar, // frailty variance
269            SplineEParSum; // sum of exponentials of spline parameters
270     penalty SplinePenaltyType; // (0=none, 1=diff, 2=2deriv, 3=log2der)
271     distribution ParDist; // Parametric distribution function
272     nknotsprior SplineNknotsPrior;
273     double *SplineKnots, //Knots of the spline
274            *SplineCandKnots, // Candidate knots for adaptive spline
275            *SplineCandOcc, // occupied indices for the spline candidate knots
276            *SplineNknotsHyper, // parameter for prior on the number of knots
277            *SplineBDMConst, //Tuning parameter for birth-death-move
278            *SplineBasis, //Basis of the spline
279            *SplineBasisCum, //Cumulative basis
280            *SplineBasisInt, //Integral over the basis functions
281            *SplineBasisExp, //Expectation of each spline component
282            *SplinePar, //Spline parameters (theta)
283            *SplineEPar, // exponential of Spline parameters (theta)
284            *SplineMin, // minimum recommended parameter value
285            *SplinePenaltyMatrix, // Penalty matrix on spline parameters
286            *SplinePenaltyFactor, // Weight factor for smoothness penalty
287            *SplineMeanPenalty, // penalty on the mean (frailty only)
288            *SplinePriorvar, //prior variance
289            *SplineHyper, //Spline Hyperparameters
290            *SplineCandCov, // Covariance matrix of candidates
291            *SplineCandSD, // standard deviations of candidates
292            *SplineCholCov, //Covariance matrix Cholesky decomposition
293            *SplineTun, // Tuning parameter for spline parameters
294            *SplineAccept, // Acceptance indicator for spline parameters
295            *ParamPar, //Parametric component parameters
296            *ParamPriorvar, // Parametric Prior variance
297            *ParamCandCov, // Candidate covariance
298            *ParamCholCov, // Candidate covariance Cholesky
299            *ParamTun, // Parametric tuning parameter
300            *ParamHyper, //Parametric hyperparameters
301            *ParamAccept, // Acceptance indicator for parametric parameters
302            *Weight, // Weight of spline component
303            *WeightPriorvar, //Prior variance of weight
304            *WeightTun, //Tuning parameter for weight
305            *WeightHyper, //Hyperparameters for weight
306            *WeightAccept, // Acceptance for weight
307            *Accept, // Acceptance indicator for x (only used by frailty)
308            *tun, // Tuning parameter (general)
309            *X, // Observations
310            *SplineY, // Spline estimates
311            *ParamY, // Parametric estimates
312            *Y, // estimates
313            *SplineYcum, // Spline cumulative
314            *ParamYcum, // parametric cumulative
315            *Ycum; // Cumulative
316 } *curveP;