CcurveUpdate/ReweightCurve [ Functions ]


    ReweightCurve --- weight a curve's parametric and spline components


After updating either the parametric or spline component of a curve, or their relative weight, the total curve must be recomputed.


1019 void ReweightCurve(curveP theCurve, int i){


    theCurve  a CCurve structure
    i         the index of the observation that should be reweighted, or -1 for all


    theCurve  the original curve, with Y and Ycum components updated.


1023     if(theCurve->hasPar & !theCurve->hasSpline) { //parametric only
1024         // just copy ParamY and ParamYcum to Y and Ycum
1025         dcopyWrapper(theCurve->nx, theCurve->ParamY, theCurve->Y);
1026         if(theCurve->isHazard) dcopyWrapper(theCurve->nx, theCurve->ParamYcum, theCurve->Ycum);
1027         return;
1028     }
1029     if(!theCurve->hasPar & theCurve->hasSpline) { //spline only
1030         // just copy SplineY and SplineYcum to Y and Ycum
1031         dcopyWrapper(theCurve->nx, theCurve->SplineY, theCurve->Y);
1032         if(theCurve->isHazard) dcopyWrapper(theCurve->nx, theCurve->SplineYcum, theCurve->Ycum);
1033         return;
1034     }
1035     double w = theCurve->Weight[0];
1036     if(i>=0){
1037         // reweight a single observation
1038         theCurve->Y[i] = w *  theCurve->SplineY[i] + (1-w) * theCurve->ParamY[i];
1039         if(theCurve->isHazard) theCurve->Ycum[i] = w *  theCurve->SplineY[i] + (1-w) *
1040             theCurve->ParamY[i];
1041     }else{
1042         // reweight the entire curve
1043         double c0=0;
1044         int c0i=0;
1045         int c1=1;
1046         int n = theCurve->nx;
1047         double wm1=1-w;
1048         F77_CALL(dcopy)(&n, &c0, &c0i, theCurve->Y, &c1); //set Y=0
1049         F77_CALL(daxpy)(&n, &w, theCurve->SplineY, &c1, theCurve->Y, &c1); //add w*splineY
1050         F77_CALL(daxpy)(&n, &wm1, theCurve->ParamY, &c1, theCurve->Y, &c1); //add (1-w)*paramY
1051         if(theCurve->isHazard){
1052             F77_CALL(dcopy)(&n, &c0, &c0i, theCurve->Ycum, &c1); //set Y=0
1053             F77_CALL(daxpy)(&n, &w, theCurve->SplineYcum, &c1, theCurve->Ycum, &c1); //add w*splineY
1054             F77_CALL(daxpy)(&n, &wm1, theCurve->ParamYcum, &c1, theCurve->Ycum, &c1); //add (1-w)*paramY
1055         }
1056     }
1057 }