CcurveUpdate/EvalParamAtOnePoint [ Functions ]
EvalParamAtOnePoint --- evaluate parametric component at a single point
Called as part of EvalCurveAtOnePoint, evaluates the parametric component of a CCurve given a point x.
1370 double EvalParamAtOnePoint(curveP theCurve, double x, int cum)
theCurve CCurve structure x double, point at which the curve should be evaluated cum integer, if >0, the cumulative integral of the curve is returned
y the value of the parametric component at point x
1374 { 1375 double parY = 0; 1376 double parYcum =0; 1377 if(!theCurve->hasPar) return parY; 1378 // parametric hazard types 1379 if(theCurve->isHazard){ 1380 // exponential hazard 1381 if(theCurve->ParDist == Dexponential){ 1382 double lambda = exp(theCurve->ParamPar[0]); 1383 parY = lambda; 1384 parYcum = lambda*x; 1385 // weibull hazard 1386 }else if(theCurve->ParDist == Dweibull){ 1387 double lambda = exp(theCurve->ParamPar[0]); 1388 double alpha = exp(theCurve->ParamPar[1]); 1389 parY = alpha*lambda*pow(x,alpha-1); 1390 parYcum = lambda * pow(x,alpha); 1391 }else{ 1392 Rprintf("distribution not implemented"); 1393 } 1394 // parametric frailty distributions 1395 }else{ 1396 // gamma distribution 1397 if(theCurve->ParDist == Dgamma){ 1398 double alpha = exp(- theCurve->ParamPar[0]); 1399 parY = dgamma(x, alpha, 1/alpha,0); 1400 // lognormal distribution 1401 }else if(theCurve->ParDist == Dlognormal){ 1402 double alpha = exp(theCurve->ParamPar[0]); 1403 parY = exp(-pow(log(x)+alpha/2,2)/(2*alpha)) / (x*sqrt(2*M_PI*alpha)); 1404 } 1405 } 1406 return (cum == 0) ? parY : parYcum; 1407 }