CMetropolisHastings/MH_BDM [ Functions ]


    MH_BDM --- birth-death-move steps for spline knots


Reversible-Jump MCMC steps for adding, deleting, or moving knots as part of the adaptive knot selection procedure. Can work with either the hazard or frailty curve, see also mh.bdm.


2371 void MH_BDM(char which, curveP hazard, curveP frailty, regressionP regression)


    which         character, can be either 'h' or 'f', for hazard or frailty respectively
    hazard        CCurve for the hazard
    frailty       CCurve for the frailty
    regression    CRegression structure


2375 {
2376     curveP theCurve;
2377     if(which == 'h') theCurve = hazard;
2378     if(which == 'f') theCurve = frailty;
2379     if(!theCurve->hasSpline) return;
2380     // Pointers to useful components
2381     int ord = theCurve->SplineOrd;
2382     int nknots = theCurve->SplineNknots;
2383     double * candknots = theCurve->SplineCandKnots;
2384     int ncandknots = theCurve->SplineNCandKnots;
2385     double * occ = theCurve->SplineCandOcc; // occupied candidate knots
2386     int * occind = malloc(nknots * sizeof(int));
2387     // allocate temporary storage
2388     double * oldKnots = calloc(nknots+2*ord, sizeof(double));
2389     double * oldPar = calloc(nknots+ord, sizeof(double));
2390     double * knots2 = calloc(nknots+2*ord+1, sizeof(double));
2391     double * params2 = calloc(nknots+ord+1, sizeof(double));
2392     double * knots = theCurve->SplineKnots;
2393     double * params = theCurve->SplinePar;
2394     dcopyWrapper(nknots+2*ord,theCurve->SplineKnots,oldKnots);
2395     dcopyWrapper(nknots+ord,theCurve->SplinePar,oldPar);
2396     dcopyWrapper(nknots+2*ord,theCurve->SplineKnots,knots2);
2397     dcopyWrapper(nknots+ord,theCurve->SplinePar,params2);
2399     int i=0;
2400     // compute probability of birth-death and move steps
2401     for(int j=ord;j<ncandknots+2*ord; j++) if(occ[j]==1) occind[i++]=j;
2402     double pk = EvalNknotsPrior( nknots, theCurve );
2403     double pkp1 = (nknots < theCurve->SplineNknotsMax) ? EvalNknotsPrior(nknots+1, theCurve) : 0;
2404     double pkm1 = (nknots > 1) ? EvalNknotsPrior(nknots-1, theCurve) : 0;
2405     double pb = theCurve->SplineBDMConst[0] * dmin(1.0,pkp1/pk); // P(birth)
2406     double pd = theCurve->SplineBDMConst[0] * dmin(1.0,pkm1/pk); // P(death)
2407     double pm = dmax(0.0,1.0-pb-pd); // P(move)
2408     double u = runif(0,1);
2409     double baselik,candlik;
2410     // base likelihood
2411     if(theCurve->isHazard) baselik = LikelihoodSplineHazard(theCurve,frailty,regression);
2412     if(!theCurve->isHazard) baselik = LikelihoodSplineFrailty(hazard,theCurve,regression);
2413     if(u<pd){ // death step
2414         int j  = (int) floor(runif(0,(double) nknots))+ord; // index of dying knot
2415         double x = knots[j];  // value of dying knot
2416             //Rprintf("Remove knot %d at %f (occ: %d)\n",j,knots[j],(int) occ[occind[j-ord]]);
2417         for(int i=0;i<nknots+ord;i++) if(i>=j-1) params2[i] = params2[i+1]; //remove params2[j];
2418         for(int i=0;i<nknots+ord;i++) if(i>=j) knots2[i] = knots2[i+1]; //remove knots2[j2];
2419         // update spline parameters for knot deletion
2420         if(ord>2) for(int j2=j-ord+1; j2<j-1; j2++){
2421             double r2 = (x-knots2[j2])/(knots2[j2+ord-1]-knots2[j2]);
2422             double inner = 1/r2 * exp(params2[j2])-(1-r2)/r2*exp(params2[j2-1]);
2423             if(inner>0) params2[j2]=log(inner); else params2[j2] = theCurve->SplineMin[0];
2424         }
2425         theCurve->SplineNknots--; theCurve->nj--;
2426         // Jacobian for the transformation
2427         double J = exp(params2[j-1]) / (exp(params[j-1]) - exp(params[j-2]));
2428         if(ord>2) for(int j2 = j-ord+2; j2<j-1; j2++){
2429             double r2 = (x-knots2[j2])/(knots2[j2+ord-1]-knots2[j2]);
2430             J = J * exp(params2[j2])/(r2*exp(params[j2]));
2431         }
2432         // update the curve with the new knot set
2433         dcopyWrapper(nknots+2*ord, knots2,theCurve->SplineKnots);
2434         RemakeSplineBasis(theCurve,'d',j);
2435         // update curve with new parameters
2436         if(theCurve->isHazard) {
2437             UpdateSplinePar(theCurve,params2,-1);
2438             candlik = LikelihoodSplineHazard(theCurve,frailty,regression);
2439         }
2440         if(!theCurve->isHazard){
2441             // for the frailty curve, make sure that the mean is 1
2442             double newmean = -exp(params2[j-2])*theCurve->SplineBasisExp[j-2];
2443             for(int i=0;i<nknots+ord-1;i++) newmean += exp(params2[i])*theCurve->SplineBasisExp[i];
2444             double newinner = -newmean/theCurve->SplineBasisExp[j-2];
2445             if(newinner<0) candlik = -INFINITY;
2446             else{
2447                 params2[j-2] = log(newinner);
2448                 UpdateSplinePar(theCurve,params2,-1);
2449                 candlik = LikelihoodSplineFrailty(hazard,theCurve,regression);
2450             }
2451         }
2452         // prior ratio * Jacobian
2453         double ratio = sqrt(2*M_PI*theCurve->SplinePriorvar[0])*fabs(J);
2454         int acc = AcceptReject(baselik, candlik, ratio);
2455         if(acc){
2456             // Update occupied index and candsd
2457             occ[occind[j-ord]] = 0;
2458         }else{ //undo damage
2459             theCurve->SplineNknots++; theCurve->nj++;
2460             dcopyWrapper(nknots+2*ord, oldKnots, theCurve->SplineKnots);
2461             RemakeSplineBasis(theCurve,'b',j);
2462             UpdateSplinePar(theCurve,oldPar,-1);
2463         }
2464     }
2465     if(u>pd & u<pd+pb){
2466         // Birth
2467         int birthind = occind[0];
2468         // choose a random unoccupied location for the knot to be born
2469         while(occ[birthind]) birthind = (int) floor(runif(0,(double) ncandknots))+ord;
2470         double x = candknots[birthind]; // value of the new knot
2471         int j = 0; while(knots[j]<x) j++; j--; // find the interval in which x lies
2472             //Rprintf("Birth at %f after knot %d\n",x,j);
2473         // update knot set and spline parameters
2474         for(int i=nknots+2*ord;i>j;i--) knots2[i]=knots2[i-1];
2475         knots2[j+1]=x;
2476         for(int i=nknots+ord;i>j-ord+1;i--) params2[i]=params2[i-1];
2477         for(int j2 = j-ord+2; j2<j+1; j2++){
2478             double r2 = (x-knots[j2])/(knots[j2+ord-1]-knots[j2]);
2479             if(j2==j) r2 = runif(0,1);
2480             params2[j2] = log(r2*exp(params[j2])+(1-r2)*exp(params[j2-1]));
2481         }
2482             //Rprintf("Birthind,x,j: %d %f %d\n",birthind,x,j);
2483         theCurve->SplineNknots++; theCurve->nj++;
2484         // Jacobian of the transformation
2485         double J = (exp(params[j])-exp(params[j-1]))/exp(params2[j]);
2486         if(ord>2) for(int j2 = j-ord+2; j2<j; j2++){
2487             double r2 = (x-knots[j2])/(knots[j2+ord-1]-knots[j2]);
2488             J = J * r2 * exp(params[j2])/exp(params2[j2]);
2489         }
2490         // update curve with new knots and parameters
2491         dcopyWrapper(nknots+2*ord+1, knots2,theCurve->SplineKnots);
2492         RemakeSplineBasis(theCurve,'b',j);
2493         if(theCurve->isHazard){
2494             UpdateSplinePar(theCurve,params2,-1);
2495             candlik = LikelihoodSplineHazard(theCurve,frailty,regression);
2496         }
2497         if(!theCurve->isHazard){
2498             // for frailty, make sure the mean is 1
2499             double newmean = -exp(params2[j])*theCurve->SplineBasisExp[j];
2500             for(int i=0;i<nknots+ord+1;i++) newmean += exp(params2[i])*theCurve->SplineBasisExp[i];
2501             double newinner = -newmean/theCurve->SplineBasisExp[j];
2502             if(newinner<0) candlik = -INFINITY;
2503             else{
2504                 params2[j] = log(newinner);
2505                 UpdateSplinePar(theCurve,params2,-1);
2506                 candlik = LikelihoodSplineFrailty(hazard,theCurve,regression);
2507             }
2508         }
2509         // prior ratio * Jacobian
2510         double ratio = 1/sqrt(2*M_PI*theCurve->SplinePriorvar[0]) * fabs(J);
2511         int acc = AcceptReject(baselik, candlik, ratio);
2512             //Rprintf("Lik: %f %f %f %f %d\n",baselik,candlik, J, ratio,acc);
2513         if(acc){
2514             // Update set of occupied candidate knots
2515             occ[birthind] = 1;
2516         }else{ //undo damage
2517             theCurve->SplineNknots--; theCurve->nj--;
2518             dcopyWrapper(nknots+2*ord, oldKnots, theCurve->SplineKnots);
2519             RemakeSplineBasis(theCurve,'d',j+1);
2520             UpdateSplinePar(theCurve,oldPar,-1);
2521         }
2522     }
2523     if(u>pb+pd) { // Move a knot
2524         // choose a random knot to move
2525         int moveind=0;
2526         moveind  = (int) floor(runif(0,(double) nknots));
2527         // find range of movement
2528         int leftknotind = (moveind == 0) ? ord : occind[moveind-1]+1;
2529         int rightknotind = (moveind == nknots-1) ? ncandknots + ord - 1 : occind[moveind+1]-1;
2530         // choose a candidate knot to place the new knot in
2531         int newknotind = (int) floor(runif((double) leftknotind,(double) rightknotind+1));
2532         // if the knot doesn't stay the same, update the curve
2533         if(candknots[newknotind] != oldKnots[moveind+ord]){ 
2534             theCurve->SplineKnots[moveind+ord] = candknots[newknotind];
2535             // update spline basis with new knot position
2536             RemakeSplineBasis(theCurve,'m',moveind);
2537             if(theCurve->isHazard){ //hazard
2538                 EvalSpline(theCurve,-1);
2539                 candlik = LikelihoodSplineHazard(theCurve,frailty,regression);
2540             }
2541             if(!theCurve->isHazard){ //frailty
2542                 // frailty needs to ensure the mean is 1
2543                 double newmean = -exp(params2[moveind+ord])*theCurve->SplineBasisExp[moveind+ord];
2544                 for(int i=0;i<nknots+ord;i++) newmean += exp(params2[i])*theCurve->SplineBasisExp[i];
2545                 double newinner = -newmean/theCurve->SplineBasisExp[moveind+ord];
2546                 if(newinner<0) candlik = -INFINITY;
2547                 else{
2548                     params2[moveind+ord] = log(newinner);
2549                     UpdateSplinePar(theCurve,params2,-1);
2550                     candlik = LikelihoodSplineFrailty(hazard,theCurve,regression);
2551                 }
2552             }
2553             int acc = AcceptReject(baselik,candlik,1.0);
2554             //Rprintf("Lik: %f %f %d\n",baselik,candlik,acc);
2555             if(!acc){
2556                 // not accepted, undo the damage
2557                 theCurve->SplineKnots[moveind+ord] = oldKnots[moveind+ord];
2558                 RemakeSplineBasis(theCurve,'m',moveind);
2559                 if(theCurve->isHazard){ // hazard
2560                     EvalSpline(theCurve,-1);
2561                 }else{      // frailty
2562                     UpdateSplinePar(theCurve,oldPar,-1);
2563                 }
2564             }else{ // update occupied index
2565                 occ[occind[moveind]]=0;
2566                 occ[newknotind] = 1;
2567             }
2568         }
2569     }
2571     free(oldKnots);
2572     free(oldPar);
2573     free(knots2);
2574     free(params2);
2575     free(occind);
2576 }