01structures/CRegression [ Definitions ]


    CRegression --- structure to store regression information


This structure contains all the information about the regression components of the problem, including covariates, regression coefficients, status indicators, etc.

The components are described by commments in the source.


330 typedef struct regress {
331     int m,  // # of clusters
332         n,  // # of observations
333         p,  // # of regression parameters
334         *Ji, // subjects per cluster (length m)
335         *Jicum, // cumsum of Ji (length m+1)
336         *cluster; // Cluster ID
337     double *coefficients, // coefficient estimates
338            *covariates, // covariate estimates
339            *lp, // linear predictor
340            *elp, // exponential of linear predictor
341            *status, // event status indicators (note: double)
342            *time, // event time
343            *frailrep, // repeated frailties
344            *frailelp, // frailty * elp
345            *CandCov,  // covariance matrix of candidates
346            *CholCov, // Cholesky factor of covariance
347            *priorvar, // variance of prior
348            *hyper,   // hyperparameters of prior
349            *Accept, // Acceptance indicator
350            *tun;    // tuning parameter
351 } *regressionP;