MetropolisHastings/mh.bdm [ Functions ]
mh.bdm --- RJMCMC for Birth-death-move steps
This function handles the reversible-jump MCMC steps for adding, removing, or moving knots in the adaptive knot selection procedure. It can work with either the hazard or frailty curve.
2896 mh.bdm <- function(which, hazard, frailty, regression)
which string, can be either "hazard" or "frailty" hazard RCurve for hazard frailty RCurve for frailty regression RRegression structure
curve updated RCurve for either hazard or frailty
2899 { 2900 # get all the needed components 2901 if(which == "hazard") curve <- hazard 2902 if(which == "frailty") curve <- frailty 2903 if(!curve$hasspline) return(curve); 2904 knots <- curve$spline.knots 2905 ord <- curve$spline.ord 2906 params <- curve$spline.par 2907 nknots <- curve$spline.nknots 2908 candknots <- curve$spline.candknots 2909 ncandknots <- curve$spline.ncandknots 2910 occ <- attr(candknots, "occupied") 2911 occind <- which(occ == 1) 2912 # evaluate the prior probability of k knots, k+1 knots, and k-1 knots 2913 pk <- nknotsPrior(nknots, curve) 2914 pkp1 <- if(nknots < curve$spline.maxoccknots) nknotsPrior(nknots + 1, curve) else 0 2915 pkm1 <- if(nknots > 1) nknotsPrior(nknots - 1, curve) else 0 2916 # compute probability of birth, death and move steps 2917 pb <- curve$spline.bdmconst * min(1, pkp1 / pk) # P(birth) 2918 pd <- curve$spline.bdmconst * min(1, pkm1 / pk) # P(death) 2919 pm <- max(0, 1 - pb - pd) # P(move) 2920 u <- runif(1) 2921 if(curve$name == "hazard") 2922 baselik <- mklik.spline.haz(curve$spline.par, hazard, frailty, regression) 2923 if(curve$name == "frailty") 2924 baselik <- mklik.spline.frail(curve$spline.par, hazard, frailty, regression) 2925 if(u < pd){ 2926 # Death step 2927 j <- sample(1:nknots, 1) + ord # index of dying knot 2928 x <- knots[j] 2929 #cat("Remove knot ", j, " at ", knots[j], "(occ", occ[occind[j - ord]], ")\n") 2930 knots2 <- knots 2931 params2 <- params 2932 knots2 <- knots2[ - j] # remove the knot 2933 # update parameters symetrically to birth step 2934 params2 <- params2[ - (j - 1)] 2935 if(ord > 2) for(j2 in (j - ord + 1):(j - 2)){ 2936 r2 <- (x - knots2[j2]) / (knots2[j2 + ord - 1] - knots2[j2]) 2937 inner <- 1 / r2 *exp(params2[j2]) - (1 - r2) / r2 * exp(params2[j2 - 1]) 2938 if(inner > 0) params2[j2] <- log(inner) else params2[j2] <- curve$spline.min 2939 } 2940 attr(knots2, "boundary") <- attr(knots, "boundary") 2941 attr(knots2, "order") <- attr(knots, "order") 2942 attr(knots2, "index") <- 1:(nknots - 1) - ord 2943 # create a temporary curve that is identical to the original, except for 2944 # the spline.knots and spline.params components 2945 temp <- curve 2946 temp$spline.knots <- knots2 2947 temp$spline.nknots <- nknots - 1 2948 occ2 <- occ; occ2[occind[j - ord]] <- 0 2949 attr(temp$spline.candknots, "occupied") <- occ2 2950 # Compute the spline basis of the temp curve 2951 temp <- makesplinebasis(temp) 2952 # Jacobian of the transformation 2953 J <- exp(params2[j - 1]) / (exp(params[j - 1]) - exp(params[j - 2])) 2954 if(ord > 2) for(j2 in (j - ord + 2):(j - 2)) { 2955 r2 <- (x - knots2[j2]) / (knots2[j2 + ord - 1] - knots2[j2]) 2956 J <- J * exp(params2[j2]) / (r2 * exp(params[j2])) 2957 } 2958 # candidate likelihood 2959 if(curve$name == "hazard") { 2960 temp <- updatespline(temp, params2) 2961 candlik <- mklik.spline.haz(temp$spline.par, temp, frailty, regression) 2962 } 2963 if(curve$name == "frailty"){ 2964 # for the frailty, adjust the mean to make sure it is 1 2965 newmean <- exp(params2)%*%temp$spline.basisexp - 2966 exp(params2[j - 2]) * temp$spline.basisexp[j - 2] 2967 newinner <- -newmean / temp$spline.basisexp[j - 2] 2968 if(newinner < 0){ 2969 candlik<- -Inf 2970 }else{ 2971 params2[j - 2] <- log(newinner) 2972 temp <- updatespline(temp, params2) 2973 candlik <- mklik.spline.frail(temp$spline.par, hazard, temp, regression) 2974 } 2975 } 2976 # compute acceptance ratio, and accept-reject 2977 ratio <- sqrt(2 * pi * curve$spline.priorvar) * abs(J) 2978 acc <- acceptreject(baselik, candlik, ratio) 2979 #cat("Lik: ", baselik, candlik, J, ratio, acc, "\n") 2980 if(any(knots2[(ord + 1):(length(knots2) - ord)] != candknots[occ2 == 1])) browser() 2981 if(acc) return(temp) else return(curve) 2982 } 2983 2984 if(u > pd & u < pd + pb){ 2985 # Birth of a knot 2986 params <- curve$spline.par 2987 # choose an unoccupied candidate knot location at random 2988 birthind <- occind[1] 2989 while(occ[birthind] > 0) birthind <- floor(runif(1, 1, ncandknots + 1)) + ord 2990 # get the position and interval of candidate knot 2991 x <- candknots[birthind] 2992 i <- findInterval(x, knots) 2993 #cat("Birth at ", x, " after knot ", i, "\n"); 2994 # Compute new knots and parameters 2995 knots2 <- c(knots[1:i], x, knots[(i + 1):length(knots)]) 2996 attr(knots2, "boundary") <- attr(knots, "boundary") 2997 attr(knots2, "order") <- attr(knots, "order") 2998 attr(knots2, "index") <- 1:(nknots + 1) - ord 2999 params2 <- c(params[1:(i - ord + 1)], 0, params[(i - ord + 2):length(params)]) 3000 # Even though it is possible to add a knot non-destructively, we need to generate 3001 # another random number to maintain dimension matching and detailed balance 3002 for(i2 in (i - ord + 2):i){ 3003 r2 <- (x - knots[i2]) / (knots[i2 + ord - 1] - knots[i2]) 3004 if(i2 == i) r2 <- runif(1) 3005 params2[i2] <- log(r2 * exp(params[i2]) + (1 - r2) * exp(params[i2 - 1])) 3006 } 3007 # Create a temp curve with new knots and params 3008 temp <- curve 3009 temp$spline.knots <- knots2 3010 temp$spline.nknots <- nknots + 1 3011 occ2 <- occ; occ2[birthind] <- 1 3012 attr(temp$spline.candknots, "occupied") <- occ2 3013 temp <- makesplinebasis(temp) 3014 # Jacobian of the transformation 3015 J <- (exp(params[i]) - exp(params[i - 1])) / exp(params2[i]) 3016 if(ord > 2) for(i2 in (i - ord + 2):(i - 1)) { 3017 r2 <- (x - knots[i2]) / (knots[i2 + ord - 1] - knots[i2]) 3018 J <- J * r2 * exp(params[i2]) / exp(params2[i2]) 3019 } 3020 if(curve$name == "hazard") { 3021 temp <- updatespline(temp, params2) 3022 candlik <- mklik.spline.haz(temp$spline.par, temp, frailty, regression) 3023 } 3024 if(curve$name == "frailty"){ 3025 # adjust frailty mean 3026 newmean <- exp(params2)%*%temp$spline.basisexp - exp(params2[i]) * 3027 temp$spline.basisexp[i] 3028 newinner <- -newmean / temp$spline.basisexp[i] 3029 if(newinner < 0){ 3030 candlik<- -Inf 3031 }else{ 3032 params2[i] <- log(newinner) 3033 temp <- updatespline(temp, params2) 3034 candlik <- mklik.spline.frail(temp$spline.par, hazard, temp, regression) 3035 } 3036 } 3037 # acceptance ratio 3038 ratio <- 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * curve$spline.priorvar) * abs(J) 3039 acc <- acceptreject(baselik, candlik, ratio) 3040 #cat("Lik: ", baselik, candlik, J, ratio, acc, "\n") 3041 if(any(knots2[(ord + 1):(length(knots2) - ord)] != candknots[occ2 == 1])) browser() 3042 if(acc) return(temp) else return(curve) 3043 3044 } 3045 3046 if(u > pd + pb) { 3047 # Move a knot 3048 # choose a random knot to move 3049 moveind <- floor(runif(1, 1, nknots + 1)) 3050 # compute the range of candidate knot indices to which the knot can be moved 3051 leftknotind <- if(moveind == 1) ord + 1 else occind[moveind - 1] + 1 3052 rightknotind <- if(moveind == nknots) ncandknots + ord else occind[moveind + 1] - 1 3053 newknotind <- floor(runif(1, leftknotind, rightknotind + 1)) 3054 oldknotind <- occind[moveind] 3055 #cat("Moveind: ", moveind, "\n"); 3056 #cat("Old / New: ", candknots[oldknotind], candknots[newknotind], "\n"); 3057 if(newknotind == oldknotind) return(curve) 3058 # create new knots and parameters 3059 knots2 <- knots 3060 params2 <- params 3061 knots2[moveind + ord] <- candknots[newknotind] 3062 # update occupied knot indices 3063 occ2 <- occ 3064 occ2[newknotind] <- 1 3065 occ2[occind[moveind]] <- 0 3066 if(sum(occ == 1) < nknots) browser() 3067 if(any(diff(knots2) < 0)) browser() 3068 if(any(knots2[(ord + 1):(length(knots2) - ord)] != candknots[occ2 == 1])) browser() 3069 temp <- curve 3070 temp$spline.knots <- knots2 3071 attr(temp$spline.candknots, "occupied") <- occ2 3072 # update the spline basis 3073 temp <- makesplinebasis(temp) 3074 if(curve$name == "hazard") { 3075 candlik <- mklik.spline.haz(params2, temp, frailty, regression) 3076 } 3077 if(curve$name == "frailty"){ 3078 # adjust frailty mean 3079 newmean <- exp(params2)%*%temp$spline.basisexp - exp(params2[moveind + ord]) * 3080 temp$spline.basisexp[moveind + ord] 3081 newinner <- -newmean / temp$spline.basisexp[moveind + ord] 3082 if(newinner < 0){ 3083 candlik<- -Inf 3084 }else{ 3085 params2[moveind + ord] <- log(newinner) 3086 temp <- updatespline(temp, params2) 3087 candlik <- mklik.spline.frail(params2, hazard, temp, regression) 3088 } 3089 } 3090 acc <- acceptreject(baselik, candlik, 1) 3091 #cat("Lik: ", baselik, candlik, acc, "\n") 3092 if(acc) return(temp) else return(curve) 3093 } 3094 3095 }