initRoutine/makeknots [ Functions ]
makeknots --- make knots for a curve with a spline component
Automatically initialize the set of spline knots if they are not given in the input. Also initializes candidate knots for adaptive knot selection.
1292 makeknots <- function(curve, x, bounds = NULL)
curve an RCurve structure x a set of data points to be used for constructing knots bounds optional boundary knots (length 2 vector)
the input RCurve, with additional spline.knots and spline.candknots components.
1295 { 1296 if(!curve$hasspline) return(curve) 1297 # extract needed curve components 1298 BUF <- 0.01 # boundary buffer 1299 knots <- curve$spline.knots; 1300 nknots <- curve$spline.nknots; 1301 ncandknots <- curve$spline.ncandknots; 1302 knotspacing <- curve$spline.knotspacing; 1303 adaptive <- curve$spline.adaptive 1304 ord <- curve$spline.ord 1305 candknots <- NULL 1306 K <- ord + nknots 1307 if(is.null(bounds)) { # this version requires boundary knots to be given 1308 browser() 1309 } 1310 if(adaptive) nintknots <- ncandknots else nintknots <- nknots 1311 if(is.null(knots)){ 1312 # distribute knots and candidate knots as quantiles of the data 1313 if(knotspacing == "quantile"){ 1314 ibounds <- c(min(x), max(x)) 1315 lrep <- ord; rrep <- ord 1316 if(ibounds[1] == bounds[1]) {nintknots <- nintknots + 1; lrep <- ord - 1} 1317 if(ibounds[2] == bounds[2]) {nintknots <- nintknots + 1; rrep <- ord - 1} 1318 candknots <- quantile(unique(x), seq(from = BUF, to = 1 - BUF, length = nintknots)) 1319 # select the occupied knots as a random subset of the candidate knots 1320 occknots <- sort(sample(1:nintknots, nknots)) 1321 knots <- candknots[occknots] 1322 candknots <- c(rep(bounds[1], lrep), candknots, rep(bounds[2], rrep)) 1323 knots <- c(rep(bounds[1], lrep), knots, rep(bounds[2], rrep)) 1324 attr(candknots, "occupied") <- c(rep(2, lrep), (1:nintknots)%in%occknots, 1325 rep(2, rrep)) 1326 } 1327 # distribute knots and candidate knots equally over the data range 1328 if(knotspacing == "equal"){ 1329 dbounds <- diff(bounds) 1330 # distribute candidate knots equally 1331 candknots <- seq(from = bounds[1] + BUF * dbounds, to = bounds[2] - BUF * dbounds, 1332 length = nintknots + 2) 1333 candknots <- candknots[ - 1];candknots <- candknots[ - length(candknots)] 1334 occknots <- sort(sample(1:nintknots, nknots)) 1335 # select the occupied knots as a random subset of the candidate knots 1336 knots <- candknots[occknots] 1337 knots <- c(rep(bounds[1], ord), knots, rep(bounds[2], ord)) 1338 candknots <- c(rep(bounds[1], ord), candknots, rep(bounds[2], ord)) 1339 attr(candknots, "occupied") <- c(rep(2, ord), (1:nintknots)%in%occknots, rep(2, ord)) 1340 } 1341 # half of the knots are equally distributed, the other half are quantiles 1342 if(knotspacing == "mixed"){ 1343 dbounds <- diff(bounds) 1344 # quantile candknots 1345 candknots1 <- quantile(unique(x), seq(from = BUF, to = 1 - BUF, 1346 length = floor(nintknots / 2))) 1347 candknots2 <- seq(from = bounds[1] + BUF * dbounds, to = bounds[2] - BUF * dbounds, 1348 length = ceiling(nintknots / 2)) 1349 candknots <- sort(sample(unique(c(candknots1, candknots2)), nintknots)) 1350 occknots <- sort(sample(1:nintknots, nknots)) 1351 knots <- candknots[occknots] 1352 knots <- c(rep(bounds[1], ord), knots, rep(bounds[2], ord)) 1353 candknots <- c(rep(bounds[1], ord), candknots, rep(bounds[2], ord)) 1354 attr(candknots, "occupied") <- c(rep(2, ord), (1:nintknots)%in%occknots, 1355 rep(2, ord)) 1356 } 1357 } 1358 # attributes for the knots object 1359 attr(knots, "boundary") <- bounds 1360 attr(knots, "index") <- seq(from=-(ord - 1), length = length(knots), by = 1) 1361 attr(knots, "order") <- ord 1362 curve$spline.knots <- knots 1363 curve$spline.candknots <- candknots 1364 return(curve) 1365 }