/initRoutine [ Modules ]


   initRoutine --- Initialize the splinesurv routine


Compute initial values for all parameters of interest and allocate the necessary storage. The module CinitRoutine contains functions implemented in C that are used during the initialization only.


    CinitRoutine --- additional C functions used for initialization only
    fitparametric --- fit a parametric component to a curve
    inithistory --- initialize the history structure
    inverthessian --- invert a Hessian matrix
    makePenalty.2deriv --- compute a penalty matrix on second derivatives of B-splines
    makePenalty.2diff --- compute a penalty matrix on second differences
    makeknots --- make knots for a curve with a spline component
    makepenalty --- construct a penalty matrix
    nknotsPriorMean --- compute the prior mean of the number of knots of a curve
    numHess.par  --- compute a numerical Hessian for the parametric component