S3Methods/plot.splinesurv [ Functions ]


    plot.splinesurv --- plot method for splinesurv objects


Plots either a hazard, frailty, survival curve estimate, or coefficient density. There are a large number of options and settings, consult the package documentation for details on the options.

This function mainly works by calling the predict function to construct the curve fits. Most of the rest is just handling inputs and keeping track of the various parameters needed by different plotting routines.


3772 plot.splinesurv <- function(x, which = c("hazard", "survival", "frailty", "coef", "all"),
3773     newdata = NULL, iter = NULL, fn = mean, plotknots = TRUE, npoints = 100, npost = 100,
3774     alpha=.05, legend = NULL, lty = 1, col = 2, lwd = 2, lty.knots = 1, col.knots = 8,
3775     lwd.knots = 1, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
3776     tk = FALSE, ...)


3779 {
3781     if(tk) {
3782         # call the routine that uses tcltk via the tkrplot to plot an interactive
3783         # curve viewer
3784         splinesurvtkplot(x, newdata = newdata, plotknots = plotknots, npoints = npoints,
3785             legend = legend, lty = lty, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty.knots = lty.knots,
3786             col.knots = col.knots, lwd.knots = lwd.knots, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
3787             main = main, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
3788         return(invisible());
3789     }
3790     # save old parameters
3791     oldask <- par("ask")
3792     which <- match.arg(which)
3793     if(which == "all") par(ask = TRUE)
3794     if(!is.null(iter) && iter <= 0) iter <- NULL
3795     # Hazard and survival curve plotting
3796     if(which == "hazard" | which == "survival" | which == "all"){
3797         type <- if(which == "all") "hazard" else which
3798         # get the set of knots to use. If an iteration is given, use knots for
3799         # that iteration, otherwise use only boundary knots
3800         if(is.null(x$hazard$spline.knots)){
3801             knots <- NULL
3802         }else{
3803             if(is.null(iter)) {
3804                 knots <- x$history$hazard.spline.knots[1, ];knots <- knots[knots>-Inf]
3805                 knots <- c(min(knots), max(knots))
3806             }else{ 
3807                 knots <- x$history$hazard.spline.knots[iter, ];knots <- knots[knots>-Inf]
3808             }
3809         }
3810         if(is.null(knots)) knots <- range(x$data$time)
3811         if(is.null(xlim)) xlim1 = range(x$data$time) else xlim1 <- xlim
3812         # set the points at which the curve should be predicted
3813         times = seq(from = max(xlim1[1], min(knots)), to = min(xlim1[2], max(knots)),
3814             length = npoints)
3815         if(is.null(xlab)) xlab1 <- "Time" else xlab1 <- xlab
3816         # set axis labels
3817         if(type == "hazard"){
3818             if(is.null(ylab)) ylab1 <- "Hazard" else ylab1 <- ylab
3819             if(is.null(main)){
3820                 if(is.null(newdata)) main1 <- "Baseline hazard" 
3821                 else main1 <- "Hazard"
3822             }else{ main1 <- main }
3823         }
3824         if(type == "survival"){
3825             if(is.null(ylab)) ylab1 <- "Survival" else ylab1 <- ylab
3826             if(is.null(main)){
3827                 if(is.null(newdata)) main1 <- "Baseline survival" 
3828                 else main1 <- "Survival"
3829             }else{ main1 <- main }
3830         }
3831         # a single curve is plotted if either no newdata is given, or newdata has only one row
3832         if(is.null(newdata) | (!is.null(newdata) && dim(newdata)[1] < 2)){
3833             # estimate the hazard curve
3834             haz <- predict(x, type = type, x = times, newdata = newdata, iter = iter, fn = fn,
3835                 npost = npost, alpha = alpha)
3836             plot(haz[, 1:2], type = "l", lty = lty, col = col, lwd = lwd, main = main1,
3837                 xlab = xlab1, ylab = ylab1, xlim = xlim1, ylim = ylim, ...)
3838             # plot knots as vertical lines
3839             if(plotknots) {
3840                 abline(v = knots, col = col.knots, lty = lty.knots, lwd = lwd.knots, ...)
3841                 lines(haz, lty = lty, col = col, lwd = lwd)
3842             }
3843             # plot confidence intervals
3844             if(!is.null(alpha) & is.null(iter)){
3845                 lines(haz[, c(1, 3)], lty = 2, col = col)
3846                 lines(haz[, c(1, 4)], lty = 2, col = col)
3847             }
3848         # if newdata has more than one row, multiple lines have to be predicted and plotted
3849         }else{
3850             haz <- times
3851             # predict a curve for each row of newdata
3852             for(i in 1:dim(newdata)[1]) haz <- cbind(haz, predict(x, type = type, x = times,
3853                 newdata = newdata[i, ,drop = FALSE], iter = iter, fn = fn, npost = npost)[, 2])
3854             if(length(col) == 1 & length(lty) == 1 & length(lwd) == 1) col = 1:dim(newdata)[1]
3855             # plot all the new lines
3856             matplot(haz[, 1], haz[, -1], type = "l", col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
3857                 main = main1, xlab = xlab1, ylab = ylab1, xlim = xlim1, ylim = ylim, ...)
3858             if(is.null(legend)) legend <- rownames(newdata)
3859             # plot knots as vertical lines
3860             if(plotknots) abline(v = knots, col = col.knots, lty = lty.knots,
3861                 lwd = lwd.knots, ...)
3862             # add a legend
3863             if(! legend("topright", legend = legend, col = col, lty = lty,
3864                 lwd = lwd)
3865         }
3866         if(which == "all") plot(x, which = "survival", newdata = newdata, iter = iter,
3867             plotknots = plotknots, npoints = npoints, npost = npost, alpha = alpha,
3868             legend = legend, lty = lty, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty.knots = lty.knots,
3869             col.knots = col.knots, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, xlim = xlim,
3870             ylim = ylim, tk = tk, ...)
3871     }
3872     # Frailty density plotting
3873     if(which == "frailty" | which == "all"){
3874         knots <- x$frailty$spline.knots
3875         # construct knots to use
3876         if(is.null(iter)){ 
3877                 knots <- x$history$frailty.spline.knots[1, ];knots <- knots[knots>-Inf]
3878                 knots <- c(min(knots), max(knots))
3879         } else{ 
3880             knots <- x$history$frailty.spline.knots[iter, ];knots <- knots[knots>-Inf]
3881         }
3882         if(is.null(knots)) knots <- range(x$posterior.mean$frailty)
3883         # limits on the graph
3884         if(is.null(xlim)) {
3885                if(hasspline(x$frailty)) xlim1 = attr(knots, "b") 
3886                else xlim1 <- range(x$posterior.mean$frailty)
3887        }else{xlim1 <- xlim}
3888         # construct the set of values at which the curve shoult be estimated
3889         Ui = seq(from = max(xlim1[1], min(knots)), to = min(xlim1[2], max(knots)),
3890             length = npoints)
3891         if(is.null(xlab)) xlab1 <- "x" else xlab1 <- xlab
3892         if(is.null(ylab)) ylab1 <- "Density" else ylab1 <- ylab
3893         if(is.null(main)) main1 <- "Frailty density" else main1 <- main
3894         # comput the curve
3895         dens <- predict(x, type = "frailty", x = Ui, iter = iter, fn = fn, npost = npost,
3896             alpha = alpha)
3897         # plot the density curve
3898         plot(dens[, 1:2], type = "l", lty = lty, col = col, lwd = lwd, main = main1,
3899             xlab = xlab1, ylab = ylab1, xlim = xlim1, ylim = ylim, ...)
3900         # plot knots as vertical lines
3901         if(plotknots){
3902             abline(v = knots, col = col.knots, lty = lty.knots, lwd = lwd.knots, ...)
3903             lines(dens, type = "l", lty = lty, col = col, lwd = lwd)
3904         }
3905         # plot CIs
3906         if(!is.null(alpha) & is.null(iter)){
3907             lines(dens[, c(1, 3)], lty = 2, col = col)
3908             lines(dens[, c(1, 4)], lty = 2, col = col)
3909         }
3910     }
3911     # plot coefficient density
3912     if(which == "coef" | which == "all"){
3913         burnin <- x$control$burnin
3914         if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- x$call$control$burnin
3915         if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- dim(x$history$coefficients)[2]
3916         if(is.null(xlab)) xlab1 <- "x" else xlab1 <- xlab
3917         if(is.null(ylab)) ylab1 <- "Posterior density" else ylab1 <- ylab
3918         coefs <- x$history$coefficients
3919         coefnames <- colnames(coefs)
3920         if(length(coefnames) > 1) par(ask = TRUE)
3921         for(i in 1:dim(coefs)[2]){
3922             if(is.null(main)) main1 <- paste("Coefficient of", coefnames[i]) else main1 <- main
3923             betai <- coefs[burnin:(dim(coefs)[1]), i]
3924             plot(density(betai), lty = lty, col = col, lwd = lwd, main = main1, xlab = xlab1, ylab = ylab1, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
3925         }     
3926     }
3927     par(ask = oldask)
3928 }