S3Methods/splinesurvtkplot [ Functions ]


    splinesurvtkplot --- plot the curve using tcltk


Uses tcltk and the tkrplot package to plot the curve, with a slider to select the iteration.


3941 splinesurvtkplot <- function(x, ...)


    x      a splinesurv object
    ...    plotting parameters


3944 {
3945     library(tkrplot)
3946         which <- "h"
3947     # tk canvas
3948         tt <- tktoplevel()
3949         tktitle(tt) <- "SplineSurv"
3950         iter <- 0
3951     # tcl variables, to hold the selected iteration and plot type
3952         tcliter <- tclVar(iter)
3953         tclwhich <- tclVar(which)
3954         maxiter = x$control$maxiter
3955         res <- max(1, round(maxiter / 100))
3956     # plotting canvas
3957         img <- tkrplot(tt, function() plot(x = x, which = which, iter = iter, ...))     
3959     # an inner function to set the iteration
3960         setiter <- function(...){
3961         # get the iteration from the tcliter variable
3962                 thisiter <- round(as.numeric(tclvalue(tcliter)))
3963                 if(iter != thisiter){
3964                         assign("iter", thisiter, inherits = TRUE)
3965             #replot if the iteration has changed
3966                         tkrreplot(img)
3967                 }       
3968         }
3970     # an inner function to set the type of plot to "hazard"
3971         setwhich_h <- function(...) {
3972                 assign("which", "h", inherits = TRUE)
3973                 tkrreplot(img)
3974         }
3975     # an inner function to set the type of plot to "survival"
3976         setwhich_s <- function(...) {
3977                 assign("which", "s", inherits = TRUE)
3978                 tkrreplot(img)
3979         }
3980     # an inner function to set the type of plot to "frailty"
3981         setwhich_f <- function(...){
3982                 assign("which", "f", inherits = TRUE)           
3983                 tkrreplot(img)
3984         }
3985     # an inner function to set the current iteration to 0, corresponding to
3986     # plotting the posterior mean.
3987         setpost <- function(...){
3988                 assign("iter", 0, inherits = TRUE)
3989                 tclvalue(tcliter) <- 0
3990                 tkrreplot(img)
3991         }
3993     # a TK scale control, used to select the iteration to plot
3994         iter_scale <- tkscale(tt, command = setiter, from = 0, to = maxiter, resolution = res,
3995         showvalue = T, orient = "horiz", variable = tcliter, length = 400)
3996     # a frame containing the plot type buttons
3997         ff <- tkframe(tt, relief = "ridge", borderwidth = 2, width = 150, height = 100)
3998     # buttons to select the type of plot desired
3999         which_b_h <- tkradiobutton(ff, command = setwhich_h, text = "hazard",
4000         variable = tclwhich, value = "h" )
4001         which_b_s <- tkradiobutton(ff, command = setwhich_s, text = "survival",
4002         variable = tclwhich, value = "s" )
4003         which_b_f <- tkradiobutton(ff, command = setwhich_f, text = "frailty",
4004         variable = tclwhich, value = "f" )
4005     # button to plot the posterior mean of the curve
4006         post_b <- tkbutton(tt, command = setpost, text = "Posterior" )
4007     # layout on the grid
4008         tkgrid(img, columnspan = 2)
4009         tkgrid(which_b_h, which_b_s, which_b_f)
4010         tkgrid(ff, columnspan = 2)
4011         tkgrid(post_b, iter_scale)
4012         tkgrid.configure(iter_scale, sticky = "e")
4013         tkgrid.configure(post_b, sticky = "sw")
4015 }