simSurvival/generateevents [ Functions ]
generateevents --- Generate random event times
Generate a set of random event times for a sample, given its size, a single covariate, frailties and regression coefficients. Many baseline hazard specifications are supported, see code comments.
629 generateevents <- function(m, Ji, beta, Ui, Zij, type, params)
m number of clusters Ji vector of cluster sizes beta a single true regression coefficient Ui length m vector of "true" frailties Zij length sum(Ji) vector of covariates type type of baseline hazard specification params parameters for the baseline hazard
Tij length sum(Ji) vector of event times
632 { 633 Tij <- rep(0, sum(Ji)) 634 Uij <- rep(Ui, Ji) 635 # Weibull baseline hazard, baseline params$lambda0 and shape params$gamweib 636 if(type == "weibull"){ 637 if(!all(c("lambda0", "gamweib")%in%names(params))) stop("Parameters lambda0, gamweib, w not specified for type weibull") 638 lambda0 <- params$lambda0 639 gamweib <- params$gamweib 640 for(ind in 1:sum(Ji)){ 641 Tij[ind] <- ((-exp(-beta * Zij[ind]) * log(1 - runif(1)) / 642 (lambda0 * Uij[ind]))^(1 / gamweib)) 643 } 644 } 645 # stepfunction baseline hazard, with breakpoints at params$breaks and hazards 646 # at params$haz 647 if(type == "stepfunction"){ 648 breaks <- params$breaks 649 haz <- params$haz 650 if(length(haz) != length(breaks) + 1) stop("Step function params: haz should be one longer than breaks") 651 for(ind in 1:sum(Ji)){ 652 accept <- FALSE 653 Tijprop <- 0 654 maxhaz <- max(haz) * Uij[ind] * exp(beta * Zij[ind]) 655 # Use accept-reject sampling 656 while(!accept){ 657 Tijprop <- Tijprop -1 / maxhaz * log(runif(1)) 658 thishaz <- haz[findInterval(Tijprop, breaks) + 1] * Uij[ind] * 659 exp(beta * Zij[ind]) 660 if(maxhaz * runif(1) < thishaz){ 661 Tij[ind] <- Tijprop 662 accept <- TRUE 663 } 664 } 665 } 666 } 667 # B-spline baseline hazard. params$b is an object returned by bs(), 668 # and params$w is a set of weights 669 if(type == "bspline"){ 670 b <- params$b 671 w <- params$w 672 rbound <- attr(b, "Boundary.knots")[2] 673 survfn <- bs.survfn(b, w, 1000, rbound) 674 if(survfn>.25) warning(paste("Baseline survival over B - spline support is high:", 675 format(survfn, digits = 3))) 676 for(ind in 1:sum(Ji)){ 677 accept <- FALSE 678 Tijprop <- 0 679 # Accept-reject sampling 680 while(!accept){ 681 maxhaz <- max(w) * Uij[ind] * exp(beta * Zij[ind]) 682 Tijprop <- Tijprop -1 / maxhaz * log(runif(1)) 683 thishaz <- predict(b, min(Tijprop, rbound - 1e-5))%*%w * Uij[ind] * 684 exp(beta * Zij[ind]) 685 if(maxhaz * runif(1) < thishaz){ 686 Tij[ind] <- Tijprop 687 accept <- TRUE 688 } 689 } 690 } 691 } 692 return(Tij) 693 }