S3Methods/splinesurv.formula [ Functions ]
splinesurv.formula --- formula interface for splinesurv
This is the main user-facing interface function. It takes a formula and additional parameters, conducts basic input checking and builds a data frame in the format required by splinesurv.agdata. After fitting is done, it constructs the splinesurv output object.
3490 splinesurv.formula <- function(formula, data = parent.frame(), ...)
See package documentation
See package documentation for splinesurv object
3493 { 3494 # in part based on coxph function 3495 call <- 3496 m <- = FALSE) 3497 if(is.matrix(eval(m$data, sys.parent()))) m$data <- 3498 m$...<-NULL 3499 m[[1]] <-"model.frame") 3500 special <- "cluster" 3501 Terms <- if (missing(data)) terms(formula, special) else 3502 terms(formula, special, data = data) 3503 m$formula <- Terms 3504 m <- eval(m, sys.parent()) 3505 n <- nrow(m) 3506 # Check response 3507 resp <- model.extract(m, "response") 3508 if (!is.Surv(resp)) stop("model response must be a Surv object") 3509 if(attr(resp, "type") != "right") stop("right - censored survival data only") 3510 time <- resp[, "time"] 3511 delta <- resp[, "status"] 3512 clusterind <- attr(Terms, "specials")$cluster 3513 clusterind0 <- NULL 3514 dropx <- NULL 3515 # handle cluster special terms 3516 clusternames <- NULL 3517 if(length(clusterind) > 0){ 3518 cluster <- m[, clusterind] 3519 for(j in 1:dim(data)[2]) if(isTRUE(all.equal(data[, j], cluster))) clusterind0 <- j 3520 if(is.factor(cluster)) clusternames <- levels(cluster) 3521 if(is.numeric(cluster)) clusternames <- as.character(unique(cluster)) 3522 i <- as.numeric(as.factor(cluster)) 3523 tempc <- untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster", 1:10) 3524 ord <- attr(Terms, "order")[tempc$terms] 3525 if (any(ord > 1)) stop("Cluster can not be used in an interaction") 3526 dropx <- c(dropx, tempc$terms) 3527 }else{ 3528 i <- rep(1, n) 3529 } 3530 Ji <- drop(table(i)) 3531 j <- unlist(as.vector(sapply(Ji, function(x) 1:x))) 3532 newTerms <- if(length(dropx)) Terms[ - dropx] else Terms 3533 # construct data frame for splinesurv.agdata 3534 X <- model.matrix(newTerms, m) 3535 X <- X[, -1, drop = FALSE] 3536 agdata <-, j, time, delta, X)) 3537 agdata[, -2] <- agdata[order(agdata$i), -2] 3538 class(agdata) <- c("agdata", "data.frame") 3539 fit <- splinesurv.agdata(agdata, ...) 3540 gcout <- gc() 3541 # clean up output object 3542 fit$call <- call 3543 colnames(fit$history$frailty) <- clusternames 3544 if(!is.null(fit$posterior.mean)) names(fit$posterior.mean$frailty) <- clusternames 3545 fit$terms <- newTerms 3546 attr(fit$terms, "special")$cluster <- clusterind0 3547 return(fit) 3548 }