S3Methods/predict.splinesurv [ Functions ]


    predict.splinesurv --- prediction method for splinesurv objects


Compute curve estimates, or linear predictor/risk estimates for splinesurv.

This routine mainly works recursively. If called with iter=NULL, it calls itself with a subset of iterations multiple times and aggregates the results.


4033 predict.splinesurv <- function(object, type = c("hazard", "survival", "lp", "risk", "frailty"),
4034     x = NULL, newdata = NULL, iter = NULL, fn = mean, alpha = NULL, npost = 100, ...)


    See package documentation


4037 {
4038     type <- match.arg(type)
4039     fit <- object; haz <- 1
4040     ntimes <- 100
4041     # check for valid newdata
4042     if((type == "hazard" | type == "survival") & !is.null(newdata)) if(dim(newdata)[1] > 1) 
4043         stop("newdata may only have one row")
4044     # if iter=NULL and a curve is required, call the routine again with a subset of iters
4045     if((type == "hazard" | type == "frailty" | type == "survival") & is.null(iter)){
4046         # get the set of "x" values at which the curve will be predicted
4047         if(type == "hazard" | type == "survival") {
4048             if(is.null(x) | is.character(x))   
4049                 x <- seq(from = min(fit$data$time), to = max(fit$data$time), length = ntimes) 
4050         }
4051         if(type == "frailty" & is.null(x)) {
4052             knots <- fit$history$frailty.spline.knots[1, ]
4053             knots <- knots[knots>-Inf]
4054             bounds <- range(knots)
4055             x <- seq(from = bounds[1], to = bounds[2], length = ntimes) 
4056         }
4057         # get the set of iterations that will be used
4058         ngooditer <- min(fit$control$maxiter - fit$control$burnin, npost)
4059         iters <- round(seq(from = fit$control$burnin + 1, to = fit$control$maxiter,
4060             length = ngooditer))
4061         # matrix for storage of predictions
4062         preds <- matrix(0, length(x), ngooditer)
4063         i <- 1
4064         # call predict for a single iteration (after this if statement)
4065         for(iter in iters) {
4066             thispred <- predict(fit, type, x, newdata, iter, ...)
4067             preds[, i] <- thispred[, 2]
4068             i <- i + 1
4069         }
4070         # aggregate the set of predictions
4071         pred <- apply(preds, 1, fn, na.rm = TRUE)
4072         if(!is.null(alpha)) quantiles <- t(apply(preds, 1, quantile,
4073             probs = c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2), na.rm = TRUE)) else quantiles <- NULL
4074         out <- cbind(x, pred, quantiles)
4075         colnames(out) <- c(colnames(thispred), colnames(quantiles))
4076         return(
4077     }
4079     # similar to above, but handles "risk" as well
4080     if(type == "hazard" | type == "survival" | (type == "risk" & !is.null(x))){
4081         if(is.null(x) | is.character(x))   times <- seq(from = min(fit$data$time),
4082             to = max(fit$data$time), length = ntimes) else times <- x
4083         # construct a temp hazard curve
4084         hazard <- fit$hazard
4085         hazard$x <- times; hazard$haspar <- haspar(hazard); 
4086         hazard$hasspline <- hasspline(hazard); hazard$spline.norm <- FALSE
4087         if(is.null(iter)){
4088             # if iter=NULL, call the routine for a subset of iters as above
4089             ngooditer <- min(fit$control$maxiter - fit$control$burnin, npost)
4090             iters <- round(seq(from = fit$control$burnin, to = fit$control$maxiter,
4091                 length = ngooditer))
4092             preds <- matrix(0, length(times), ngooditer)
4093             i <- 1
4094             for(iter in iters) {
4095                 thispred <- predict(fit, type, times, newdata, iter, ...)
4096                 preds[, i] <- thispred[, 2]
4097                 i <- i + 1
4098             }
4099             pred <- apply(preds, 1, fn, na.rm = TRUE)
4100             if(!is.null(alpha)) quantiles <- apply(preds, 1, quantile, 
4101                 probs = c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2), na.rm = TRUE) else quantiles <- NULL
4102             out <- cbind(times, pred, t(quantiles))
4103             colnames(out) <- c(colnames(thispred), rownames(quantiles))
4104             return(
4105         }else{
4106             # continue constructing a temporary hazard RCurve
4107             hazard$spline.par <- fit$history$hazard.spline.par[iter, ]
4108             hazard$spline.knots <- fit$history$hazard.spline.knots[iter, ]
4109             hazard$param.par <- fit$history$hazard.param.par[iter, ]
4110             hazard$spline.par <- hazard$spline.par[hazard$spline.par>-Inf]
4111             hazard$spline.knots <- hazard$spline.knots[hazard$spline.knots>-Inf]
4112             hazard$weight <- fit$history$hazard.weight[iter, ]
4113         }
4114         # set up the basis and evaluate the parametric and spline components
4115         hazard <- makesplinebasis(hazard, quick = TRUE)
4116         hazard <- evalparametric(hazard)
4117         hazard <- evalspline(hazard, quick = TRUE)
4118         haz <- hazard$y
4119         # if newdata is nonzero, compute the frailty and covariate multiplier for each row
4120         if(!is.null(newdata)){
4121             risk <- predict(fit, "risk", NULL, newdata, iter)$risk[1]
4122             haz <- haz * risk
4123             clusterind <- attr(fit$terms, "special")$cluster
4124             if(!is.null(clusterind)) cluster <- newdata[[clusterind]] else cluster <- NULL
4125             if(!is.null(cluster) && ! 
4126                 frail <- fit$history$frailty[iter, cluster] else frail <- 1
4127             haz <- haz * frail
4128         }
4129         if(type == "hazard") return(data.frame(time = times, hazard = haz))
4130         # compute survival curve by cumulative summing
4131         if(type == "survival"){
4132             dx <- c(diff(times), 0)
4133             surv <- exp(-cumsum(haz * dx))
4134             return(data.frame(time = times, survival = surv))
4135         }
4136     } 
4137     # for lp and risk, evaluate the model terms and do the prediction
4138     if(type == "lp" | type == "risk")
4139     {
4140         if(is.null(newdata)) {
4141             vars <- model.matrix(fit$terms, model.frame(fit))[, -1, drop = FALSE]
4142         }else{
4143             temp <- cbind(data.frame(i = 0, j = 0, time = 0, delta = 0, newdata))
4144             vars <- model.matrix(fit$terms, model.frame(fit, data = temp))[, -1, drop = FALSE]
4145         }
4146         if(is.null(iter))
4147             coef <- fit$posterior.mean$coefficients
4148         else
4149             coef <- fit$history$coefficients[iter, ]
4150         # compute lp
4151         lp <- as.numeric(vars%*%coef)
4152         if(type == "lp") {
4153             lp <- data.frame(lp)
4154             try(rownames(lp) <- if(is.null(newdata)) rownames(fit$data) else 
4155                 rownames(newdata), silent = TRUE)
4156             return(lp)
4157         }
4158     }
4159     # for risk, given lp and hazard, multiply additionally by the frailty
4160     if(type == "risk")
4161     {
4162         pred <- exp(lp)
4163         if(is.null(newdata)) {
4164             Ji <- table(fit$data$i)
4165             if(is.null(iter))
4166                 frailty <- rep(fit$posterior.mean$frailty, Ji)
4167             else
4168                 frailty <- rep(fit$history$frailty[iter, ], Ji)
4169             pred <- frailty * pred
4170         }
4171         risk <- outer(haz, pred, "*")
4172         try(colnames(risk) <- if(is.null(newdata)) rownames(fit$data) else 
4173             rownames(newdata), silent = TRUE)
4174         if(any(duplicated(colnames(risk)))) colnames(risk) <- NULL
4175         if(dim(risk)[1] == 1){
4176              risk <-
4177              colnames(risk) <- "risk"
4178         }else{
4179             risk <- data.frame(time = times, risk)
4180         }
4181         return(risk)
4182     }
4183     # for frailty curve
4184     if(type == "frailty")
4185     {
4186         # construct a temp frailty curve that can be evaluated
4187         frailty <- fit$frailty
4188         if(is.null(x)) x <- seq(from = max(0, min(frailty$spline.knots)), 
4189             to = max(frailty$spline.knots), length = ntimes)
4190         frailty$x <- x; frailty$haspar <- haspar(frailty);
4191         frailty$hasspline <- hasspline(frailty); frailty$spline.norm <- TRUE
4192         if(is.null(iter)){
4193             frailty$spline.par <- fit$posterior.mean$frailty.spline.par
4194             frailty$param.par <- fit$posterior.mean$frailty.param.par
4195             frailty$weight <- fit$posterior.mean$frailty.weight
4196             if(type == "frailty") return(data.frame(x = x, density = 1))
4197         }else{
4198             frailty$spline.par <- fit$history$frailty.spline.par[iter, ]
4199             frailty$spline.knots <- fit$history$frailty.spline.knots[iter, ]
4200             frailty$param.par <- fit$history$frailty.param.par[iter, ]
4201             frailty$spline.par <- frailty$spline.par[frailty$spline.par>-Inf]
4202             frailty$spline.knots <- frailty$spline.knots[frailty$spline.knots>-Inf]
4203             frailty$weight <- fit$history$frailty.weight[iter, ]
4204         }
4205         frailty <- makesplinebasis(frailty, quick = TRUE)
4206         frailty <- evalparametric(frailty)
4207         frailty <- evalspline(frailty, quick = TRUE)
4208         density <- frailty$y        
4209         return(data.frame(x = x, density = density))
4210     }
4211 }