01structures/RHistory [ Definitions ]
RHistory --- structure to store MCMC history in R
This type of structure contains the state of the MCMC procedure at each iteration. It is the R analogue of the CHistory structure.
In R, this is implemented as a simple list. Most of the components are defined at initialization, others are added during the procedure. Each of the component has maxiter rows, and as many columns as needed to store the vector at each iteration. For spline parameters and knots, enough storage is allocated to store the maximum number of knots permitted by the adaptive selection procedure (if used). Unused storage is filled with -Inf.
See inithistory for the allocation procedure.
frailty frailty estimates for each cluster coefficients regression coefficient estimates hazard.spline.par hazard spline parameters hazard.spline.knots hazard spline knots frailty.spline.par frailty spline parameters frailty.spline.knots frailty spline knots frailty.spline.fvar frailty spline variance hazard.param.par hazard parametric component parameters frailty.param.par frailty parametric component parameters hazard.weight hazard spline component weight frailty.weight frailty spline component weight priorvar matrix of prior variances accept matrix of acceptance rates